Formula help!

Hello! I need help with a formula. I need to be able to have an "IF" formula with an "AND" and an "OR" included to reference two different columns. 

Below is what I currently have, and while it works, I haven't been able to add in an "OR" statement to account for another column that needs to be referenced. Any suggestions would be great!

=IF(AND(TODAY() > [End date (actual)]@row, NOT(Status@row = "Complete")), 1, 0)

Thank you!


  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge Community Champion
    edited 08/01/24


    Would something like this work for you:-

    =IF(AND(OR(Status@row = "Complete", [Another Column]@row = "Test"), [End Date]@row < TODAY()), 1, 0)

    I hope that is helpful to you in some way,


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