Discrepancy with results in sheet vs report


I am using a formula in 100+sheets and it works well. But, when I pull the sheets in a report, the results are changing yet in the sheet the results are correct. For. ex: The formula is to calculate the due date count, for the same date the results are showing differently in the report like below.

Formula I am using-

=IFERROR(IF(Done@row = 1, "Complete", IF(TODAY() <= [Due Date]@row, NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Due Date]@row, {Pivot Sheet Range 1}) - 1, NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Due Date]@row, {Pivot Sheet Range 1}) + 1)), "")


  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Joyjenz,

    Each row in the report belongs to different sheets.

    Your formula contains the TODAY function that need you open the sheets and save them everyday to update the result. This may lead to different results of sheets, then show different results on your report.

    Open all the sheets and save them then check the report again.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.

  • Hi,

    You want me to open 100+ sheets everyday? Is there any other way to make this work?

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