Cross-sheet formula help ...

We currently track our Gate Adherence for each project and gate at our weekly Gate Review board. I keep metrics overall of pass, deferred pass, and fail.

We also keep Gate Adherence by department which has been a manual process thus far, however, I have written a formula that doesn't appear to be working.

I am using the "COUNTIF" formula to look at the department, and then at each Gate Date column for the presented date and look at whether it was a pass, fail, deferred pass and then count it. I have arbitrarily added one pass for August to test it but it doesn't appear to be working.

I have included a screenshot of the formula, the Gate Adherence which shows that I have added a pass for 14th August and a screenshot of what is displayed in the the formula box for August "Pass" for Strategy and Transformation department (ie. "0")

Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.


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