Resturant management

Is anyone using Smartsheet to run a restaurant financial management? And other related topics

I am thinking to utilize smartsheet for cost management, revenue, inventory, assets management.

Any thoughts where to start? I have a background in using Smartsheet to develop templates and use reports to form numerical conclusions as well as to create metrics to use on an overview on dashboard with key highlights.


  • Will.Parente
    Will.Parente ✭✭✭✭✭

    Simplest answer… this won't be simple.

    To start though, I would use some type of way to identify the data you will need. If you already have a quickbooks or something then you'll have 90% of your answers. Once you have ID'd the data elements think about what you WANT your solution to do. Is this simply a place to store data? Do you want to tie out to other sheets? Other functions? Who will use your solution? Do you want reports?

    After you have those details you can determine if you want one large sheet to track everything that is populated by form, dynamic view, report, or manual entry. You can determine if you need multiple sheets with automations/cell links/formulas/etc. Or, you could realize the effort isn't worth the ask.

    Let me know if I can provide any more support.

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