IF formula: IF x in column A then enter this in this column B

Hello All,

Need some assistance with an IF formula. I want to create a formula where each month in a row is accounted for and assigned a Quarter. Q1 ( January, Feb, March), Q2 (April, May, June) Q3 (July, August, Sept) Q4 (October, Nove, Dec). Below is a part of a formula that I have come up with - let me know your thoughts:


  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could try something like this: =IF(OR(Timeframe@row = "January", Timeframe@row = "February", Timeframe@row = "March"), "Q1", IF(OR(Timeframe@row = "April", Timeframe@row = "May", Timeframe@row = "June"), "Q2", IF(OR(Timeframe@row = "July", Timeframe@row = "August", Timeframe@row = "September"), "Q3", IF(OR(Timeframe@row = "October", Timeframe@row = "November", Timeframe@row = "December"), "Q4"))))

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