cell reffrence changing when rows added

Hello all, i have a strange situation here. i have a sheet where we track all the POs that we go out and pick up from different vendors. in this sheet i have added some sheet summary fields, whhc count the number of total POs, POs picked up and PO s not picked up.

i have made a dashboard to show these 3 things i mentioned above. the catch i have is that i want it to show only the data for a selected date.

in order to filer by the date, i created a helper sheet where i added just one column, called it CHoose date, and made a form out of it. I added this form to the dashboard where whoever is checking can enter a date and submit the form. now in my summary sheet field in my master sheet, i used COUNTIFS and added a condition that counts the POs for dates equal to the date submitted in the helpersheet.

issue is that when i reference the whole column, it shows answer 0 as there are multiple dates in the choose date row. when is reference specific cell, it works for the first time but when anyone submits a new date the cell reference shifts. how do i make sure that the reference in the helpersheet only looks at the very first cell in top.


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