Formula to change names

Hi there,

I am importing an excel doc and there is a column where I need to change the text.

Original Name

Change to

US Ford Passenger Vehicle Concern NA CRC

PV Concern

US Ford Truck Concern NA CRC

Truck Concern


BEV Team

How do I write a formula that can change the original names to the shorter names? (see above)



  • Adam Murphy
    Adam Murphy ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would use an automation instead of a formula. You could use conditional paths that have the original values then use the change cell value action to change to the new values.

    If you really want a formula (which will need to go in a helper column) you can use a simple nested IF statement such as:

    =IF([Field with original value]@row = "US Ford Passenger Vehicle Concern NA CRC", "PV Concern", IF([Field with original value]@row = "US Ford Truck Concern NA CRC", "Truck Concern", IF([Field with original value]@row = "US BEV NA CRC", "Bev Team")))

  • Desire
    Desire ✭✭✭
    edited 08/19/24

    Thank you Adam,

    How do I create this type of automation?

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