Help with COUNTIF Formula

PKane ✭✭✭✭
edited 08/21/24 in Formulas and Functions


I am attempting to get my formula to count a status only when it's in NSP (the operational company/OPCO) with a status of "Lumen Chg Order Complete" and the checkbox for 'Test & Turn Up Scheduled' is checked.

This is what I have attempted in the formula that is returning UNPARSEABLE as a result:

=COUNTIF({OPCO}, "NSP", AND({Order Status} = "Lumen Chg Order Complete"), {Test & Turn Up Scheduled} = "1"))

I am not sure where the error is, or if there would there be a better formula type to use instead of COUNTIF?


  • Matt Lynn-PCG
    Matt Lynn-PCG ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @PKane this would be a countifs not a countif. Also change your ="1" to just =1. It doesn't need to be in quotes.

    It would look SOMETHING like:

    =COUNTIFS({OPCO}, "NSP", {Order Status} = "Lumen Chg Order Complete", {Test & Turn Up Scheduled} = 1)

    Certified Platinum Partner

  • PKane
    PKane ✭✭✭✭

    @Matt Lynn-PCG thanks very much for your willingness to lend a hand!

    I tried the formula you'd shared and its returning #INVALID OPERATION

    Can you see any issues with the formula? I checked the references and they are all good and the spelling for everything is correct.

    Any ideas of what I can try to adjust?

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