Workday formula needs to reference one cell but it automatically changes

I have a workday formula in a date column which is supposed to reference one specific cell (row 1 of the the Last Workday of Prior Month column) but the formula automatically changes to row 3, row 4 when I try to apply it to the following rows. How do I make it stay on row 1?

The purpose of this formula is to create a due date that is the # of days from 8/30/24. The # of days is specified in the column titled Rule.

Best Answer

  • Davin Vo
    Davin Vo ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @MSchuck

    You can add $ before a row number to make it absolute.

    Try =WORKDAY([Last Workday of Prior Month]$1,Rule@row)

    If you eventually need to make sure the column remains the same if you're dragging it horizontally, you can also add a $ in front of the column such as

    =WORKDAY($[Last Workday of Prior Month]$1,Rule@row)

    Hope this helps!

    Davin Vo - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Platinum Partner


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