Calculate tasks starting between today and 14 days

This discussion was created from comments split from: Calculate upcoming tasks.


  • Good day,

    I'm trying to calcuate a very similar kind of forumula, for tasks starting between today and in 14 days.

    Using the guidance in the comments above, I've been trying the following formula with no luck. Any idea what I'm inputting wrong?

    =COUNTIFS({Work Plan | SPLR Status}, "On Track", AND({Work Plan | SPLR Start Date} >= TODAY(), {Work Plan | SPLR Start Date} <= TODAY(14)))

    thank you,

  • Hi @Jeffers,

    Try this:

    =COUNTIFS([Work Plan | SPLR Status]:[Work Plan | SPLR Status], "On Track", [Work Plan | SPLR Start Date]:[Work Plan | SPLR Start Date], @cell >= TODAY(), [Work Plan | SPLR Start Date]:[Work Plan | SPLR Start Date], @cell <= TODAY(14))

  • Alright, looked like that worked. I had to play with it a little. In your example, you referenced my range twice, separating it with a colon. Once I removed that, it seemed to work.

    This is what I ended up with (I also added another countif dependency since I sent it, lol)

    =COUNTIFS({Work Plan | SPLR Timeframe}, <>"", {Work Plan | SPLR Status}, "On Track", {Work Plan | SPLR Start Date}, @cell >= TODAY(), {Work Plan | SPLR Start Date}, @cell <= TODAY(14))

    thank you for your help!

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