Sumifs showing unparseable

Ok team, I have successfully added several gray hairs to my already aging head!!!! 😫

I am trying to calculate the sum in a column with multiple criteria from another sheet. However, I'm consistently getting unparseable.

I need it to add some numbers in a column provided they are in 2023 AND it has the same text in the primary column for the row.

Here is the data sheet

here is the calculation I'm trying to do:

=SUMIFS({Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 3}:{Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 3},{Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 1}:{Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 1}, >=Date(2023,01,01), {Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 1}:{Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 1}, <=Date(2023,12,31), {Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 2}:{Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 2}, =[Primary Column]@row)

Range 3 is the Total Quantity column

Range 1 is the Date column

Range 2 is the Waste Type column

And here is my result:

Any help both myself and my poor hair would greatly appreciate!

Caroline 😊

Best Answer

  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    =SUMIFS({Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 3},{Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 1}, >=Date(2023,01,01), {Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 1}, <=Date(2023,12,31), {Hazardous Waste Manifests Range 2}, [Primary Column]@row)


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