Formula Help

Hello my friends - I know someone can help me figure this out :)

I finally got my Client Name match formula to work! Now I am having issues pulling matching fields into my lookup sheet. I get "No Match Found" on all subsequent fields I need to pull. And I have validated there is data contained in each of the fields.

=IF(ISERROR(INDEX({Client Savings Analysis Master | Live Count}, MATCH([Client Details]2, {Client Savings Analysis Master | Client Name}, 0))), "No Match Found", INDEX({Client Savings Analysis Master | Live Count}, MATCH([Client Details]2, {Client Savings Analysis Master | Client Name}, 0)))

Thank you in advance!


  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion

    @Michele Rosenberg Does any of your source data that you're using as criteria, such as {Client Savings Analysis Master | Client Name}, have any invalid or error data in those values? If so put those formulas in a iferror(,"") function. The match portion of the function won't work if it has errors thus triggering the "No Match Found" warning.

    Matt Lynn

  • Michele Rosenberg
    Michele Rosenberg ✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/27/24

    Thank you @Matt Lynn-PCG,

    I do not see any fields with errors in them, there are some fields which are blank but not on my test client. Could that be causing it? Can I take that out and allow the formula to still match correctly? How would you resolve?

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