COUNTIFS function with multiple criteria

I have what I think should be a simple formula, but I only get "#UNPARSEABLE".

I just want to return a count when the WAVE column contains "Wave 2" AND the STATUS column contains "Not Started". My current formula is:

=COUNTIFS({Wave}, "Wave2" AND {Status}, "Not Started")

Best Answer

  • Brent C. Wilson
    Brent C. Wilson ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    =COUNTIFS({Wave}, "Wave2", {Status}, "Not Started")

    The COUNTIFS function allows you to specify multiple pairs of ranges and criteria. Each pair represents one condition. The function counts only those cells where all specified conditions are met simultaneously.

    if you still get errors it could be how you have {Wave} and {Status} defined

    =COUNTIFS([Wave]:[Wave], "Wave2", [Status]:[Status], "Not Started")


  • Brent C. Wilson
    Brent C. Wilson ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    =COUNTIFS({Wave}, "Wave2", {Status}, "Not Started")

    The COUNTIFS function allows you to specify multiple pairs of ranges and criteria. Each pair represents one condition. The function counts only those cells where all specified conditions are met simultaneously.

    if you still get errors it could be how you have {Wave} and {Status} defined

    =COUNTIFS([Wave]:[Wave], "Wave2", [Status]:[Status], "Not Started")

  • murphsa1
    murphsa1 ✭✭✭

    Thank you - changing to the following fixed it

    =COUNTIFS({Wave}, "Wave2", {Status}, "Not Started")

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