If Blank formula

Hi, my problem is probably very simple to most of you and I thought I had it, but it keeps saying "unparsable".

I have a date column which I want to break down to a month - for example I want 22/07/2024 to be just 07 - this is so that I can then populate another corresponding 07 column with some £ data. I have worked out how to extract the 07 - =MONTH([start Date]@row.

However, these dates are copied across from another sheet populated by someone else, so not always added in. Therefore I have made an Override Month column where I can manually enter a month/number ie July or 07.

So the formula I need is =MONTH([Start Date]@row - but then I need to add IFBLANK (then take the override month number) but I can't get it working. I have tried this =MONTH([Start Date]@row, ISBLANK{[Override Month]@row), but it says inparsable.

Can anyone help please? I think it's a simple fix, but I just can't work it out. Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • Corey W.
    Corey W. ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Smaretsheet does not allow comma separated functions. Also the ISBLANK function just reports true or false so you need an IF statement as well.

    This function checks if the start date is blank, if so it reports the override month. If the start date is not blank, the Month is calculated.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Start Date]@row), [Override Month]@row, MONTH([Start Date]@row))


  • Corey W.
    Corey W. ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Smaretsheet does not allow comma separated functions. Also the ISBLANK function just reports true or false so you need an IF statement as well.

    This function checks if the start date is blank, if so it reports the override month. If the start date is not blank, the Month is calculated.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Start Date]@row), [Override Month]@row, MONTH([Start Date]@row))

  • Thanks so much Corey, this is great and it worked perfectly! Thank you

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