Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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How to use Countifs and AND and Ors

I am trying to make a chart that will count how many projects an employee is on given a certain criteria. Based off of my master project list sheet, I want to know how many projects my team members have each quarter (active and upcoming)

I would like it to say count if employee name is employee@row AND Project Status is "In Progress" or "Ongoing", OR employee name is employee@row Target start date is "FY25 Q1"

Currently I have

=COUNTIFS({Project Portfolio Range 1}, Employee@row, {Project Portfolio Range 2}, "In Progress") + COUNTIFS({Project Portfolio Range 1}, Employee@row, {Project Portfolio Range 2}, "Ongoing")

which works, but when i try to add the Or if the target start date is this quarter and on deck, I get an error.

=COUNTIFS({GSS Project Portfolio Range 1}, Employee@row, {Project Portfolio Range 2}, "In Progress") + COUNTIFS({GSS Project Portfolio Range 1}, Employee@row, {Project Portfolio Range 2}, "Ongoing") OR(countifs({Project Portfolio Range 1}, employee@row, {Project Portfolio Range 2}, "On Deck"), {Project Portfolio Range 3}, "FY25 Q1"))

Any help would be appreciated thank you!



  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/28/24


    =COUNTIFS({GSS Project Portfolio Range 1}, Employee@row, {Project Portfolio Range 2}, OR(@cell = "In Progress", @cell = "Ongoing", @cell = "On Deck"), {Project Portfolio Range 3}, "FY25 Q1")

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