Question about Workday Formula

Hi there - I'm looking for some assistance with a WORKDAY Formula. I am trying to:

  1. Look at a date in a cell - let's call that "Program Date" and add 12 days to that date
  2. Then reference another sheet that has a column of dates and pull back the earliest date (that's later than Program Date plus 12 days)
  3. Exclude holidays

I feel like I'm so close but I've got it opposite of what it needs to be and I can't figure out what needs to change.

Here's the formula I have that's wrong

=IFERROR(WORKDAY((MIN(COLLECT(Meeting Date OG}, {Meeting Date OG}, >=(Date37 + 12)))), 0, {State Holidays OG}), "")

Where {Meeting Date OG} is the column I'm looking at to pull back the date and Date37 is the "Program Date"

Any help you can offer is appreciated!


  • Corey W.
    Corey W. ✭✭✭✭

    This seems to work for me. I think what was happening is since you were passing only 1 date to the workday function (the min date), and using zero for the number of days, it was not checking the holiday exclusions. Here I have deducted 1 day from your 12 day parameter and passed a 1 day duration to the workday function to make up the difference.

    =IFERROR(WORKDAY((MIN(COLLECT({Meeting Date OG}, {Meeting Date OG}, >=([Column11]@row + 11)))), 1, {State Holidays OG}), "")

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