If statement and Networkdays function problem


I's struggling with a rather simple problem, but thereäs just something wrong with my logic/syntax. Here's the formula, which gives "Unparseable" for me :/

=if([PK]@row = "Siivous", NETWORKDAYS(MIN(Start4:Start13); MAX(Finish4:Finish13))), "")

If there's "Siivous" as the value for a dropdown cell in the PK column, the formula should calculate the networkdays between a Start and Finish date colums for rows 4 to 13. If the valuea for the dropdown is something else, the formula should return empty value.

Any clues highly appreciated :)

Best Answer

  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge Community Champion
    edited 09/02/24 Answer ✓

    Hello @OlliR ,

    I think your original formula is very close, would the example below work for you?

    =IF(PK@row = "Siivous", NETWORKDAYS(MIN(Start1:Start4), MAX(Finish1:Finish4)), " ")

    I hope that is helpful to you in someway,



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