Counting blank rows in the denominator as nested formula


I have the following formula which is working well:

=IFERROR((((COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Green")) + (COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Yellow"))) / ((COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Red")) + (COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Green") + (COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Yellow"))))), "")

I need to also COUNTIF the rows are blank under the 'Status' column as part of the denominator (highlighted bold) in the denominator. The blanks must however be counted if another column, "Name" is populated.

Thanks in advance.



  • Protonsponge
    Protonsponge ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Vinton Douglas,

    Would adding =COUNTIFS([Status]:[Status], ISBLANK(@cell), [Name]:[Name], ISBLANK(@cell) = false) in to your current formula give you what you are looking for?

    I have added it into a demo below as an example.

    =IFERROR((((COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Green")) + (COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Yellow"))) / ((COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Red")) + (COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Green") + (COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Yellow")) + COUNTIFS(Status:Status, ISBLANK(@cell), Name:Name, ISBLANK(@cell) = false)))), "")

    I hope that is helpful to you in someway,


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