COUNTIFS Contains but excludes

edited 09/03/24 in Formulas and Functions

I have a multi-select column that contains different options (ex: option A, option B…). I want to count if the Status column contains in progress but not if it the row says At risk.

For example:

if it counts both it has 2 Point of Sales, but I want a formula that excludes the "at risk" project so it would only count 1

Here's is the formula that i have that counts the specific option, what do i need to add to exclude it if on a different row it says complete:

=COUNTIF({Project list - Metadata - Demo Range 1}, HAS(@cell, "option A" ))

I have tried the following but it tells me "#incorrect argument"

=COUNTIF({Project list - Metadata - Demo Range 1}, HAS(@ ), {Project list - Metadata - Demo Range 1}, NOT(HAS(@ )))

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