Formula for calculating days from date range

Sagar SV
Sagar SV
edited 09/04/24 in Formulas and Functions

I have two sheets

Sheet A (contains only applied leaves, not all the dates range)

Column 1 - Leave Start Date, eg 01 jan 24

Column 2 - Leave End date, eg 03 jan 24

Column 3 - Employee code, eg ABC001

Sheet B (contains entire range of dates for particular year)

Column 1 - Date range (i.e. 01 jan24 , 02 jan24 , 03 jan24 , etc in once column till 31st dec24)

Column 2 - on leave (or) present - need formula for this

Header row of column2,3, etc - employee code

I need a formula for this for column 2 of sheet B where whenver an leave is being applied for the particular date range, it should show "On Leave" and for the rest of the days, where dates are not available in Sheet A, it should show "Present".

Your wonderful thoughts and ideas are highly appreciated.

P.s. I have tried multiple if-countifs loops and vlookups but that didnt work.


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