Tracking Time


I am new to Smartsheet I have a form that send info to a sheet. With that I need to track time based on a chosen activity and there may be 3-4 entries between start and stop of time tracking. I cannot figure out how to set up the auto part for this process.

Thank you,

Liz V.


  • mcullen
    mcullen ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Village_Const1828

    What would you like the automation to do? Is it something you are trying to setup on the form or is it how the information is displayed on the sheet? Could you provide some screen shots?

    Michelle Cullen

  • Here is an example I'm trying to total time on the sheet from the form. The Yellow Line is marking that I would like the time total from 1 to line 2 then on down. As you can see some have more than one line, but the common activity that tells us to total time to CLR in the Activity. When the form is submitted with CLR I need the time totaled since the last CLR was sent in.

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