Need help using Countif while Referencing Another Sheet

I’m trying to simply count the number of times “A” appears in a column called "Severity Rank” on another sheet called “Master KPI Sheet” by using the following formula and it will not work. Can someone advise on correct syntax?

=COUNTIF({Master KPI Sheet}!Severity Rank:Severity Rank, "A")


  • Courtney S.
    Courtney S. ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi! You'll need to set up a cross-sheet reference to use in the COUNTIF formula. It's something you have to do manually, you can't just type in something to have it work. You can either right-click on any cell in your sheet and choose "Manage References", or do what I normally do and use the "Reference Another Sheet" link that shows up when you are making the formula. Here's a Smartsheet help article about creating cross-sheet references:

    Create cross-sheet references | Smartsheet Learning Center

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