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Email alert when not modified

mikenz1983 ✭✭
edited 08/29/17 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi All

i have created a card view that are work packages for staff, i am requiring them to update the cards every 7/14 days with status and commentary.

is their a way to build an alert that sends an email to either myself and/or the assigned staff member that lets them know the card has not been updated, additionally in this same rule is their a way where we could get it not to be active when another condition is met

e.g if modified date is 14 days old, send email alert to users, unless is status is blocked

i would typically go off conditional formatting to colour code the card when it hits a range but i am already using a range of conditions.



  • Hi,

    You can accomplish this with the aid of a checkbox column and an IF statement:

    1. Create a checkbox column (I created one called "Past Due")
    2. Put an IF statement in each cell similar to the following: =IF(DATEONLY([Modified Date]1) <= TODAY(-14), 1)

      This will check the box if row 1 of a column called Modified Date is less than the current date minus 14 days. Keep in mind that in order for the sheet to update to the current date, someone will need to open it and save it at least once a day.
    3. Create a notification rule similar to my screenshot below.

    That should get achieve what you need. You might even consider locking the column or hiding it so that people don't manually check the box (which will override the formula).

    Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 10.52.09 AM.png

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