How to Record Date & Time When a Checkbox Is Checked with VLOOKUP


  • @Help , I need to have a cell recording DATE & TIME when a checkbox is checked. The "Modified date" type doesn't work because the row will have other user interactions after checking this box. So, I have to work around with a workflow to Copy the row when the box is checked to another Sheet, so I have a Modified date column recording when the box is checked. Now, on the original sheet, I tried to use VLOOKUP to return the "Date & Time" on a Text type of column so I could finally have the Date & Time in which the check box was checked. However, the VLOOKUP doesn't work because the Date & Time from the Modified date is incompatible with the Text type of the column. Changing the type of column to "Date" doesn't work because it loses the Time; it only returns the Date. What can I do in this case?

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can convert a a formula's output by "adding" quote quote to the end of it.

    =VLOOKUP(…………….) + ""

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