Countifs for removing duplicates using multiple criterion

Any suggestions on how to flag duplicates based on the following:

-Would like to flag items with "NO" in the Evaluated Column if the Vendor also has an Evaluated "YES" for that item number. In example below, highlighted SAG data would flag the "NO" line (the vendor "SAG" has two entries for "Item Number" 1- a "YES" and a "NO").


  • Leela Lodhi
    Leela Lodhi ✭✭✭

    Hi @MTaber,

    To flag rows with "NO" in the Evaluated column when the same Vendor Name and Item Number also have a "YES", follow these steps:

    1. Create a new column called Duplicate Flag.
    2. Use this Formula in the Duplicate Flag column:
      =IF(AND(Evaluated@row = "NO", COUNTIFS([Company Name]:[Company Name], [Company Name]@row, [Item Number]:[Item Number], [Item Number]@row, Evaluated:Evaluated, "YES") > 0), "Flag", "")
    3. Apply conditional formatting to highlight rows where the Duplicate Flag column contains "Flag".

    I hope this will help!

    Best regards,
    Leela Lodhi

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