Formula Help - average of the sum of cells in a row if another row in the column meets criteria

Hi, I was hoping someone could help me write a formula? I am trying to write a formula in the cell highlighted in yellow that takes an average of the sum of the cells highlighted in green if the country in row 3 in the same column is set to CANADA.

Is there a way to combine a (INDEX) statement with an AVERAGE IF formula?


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Tara Factor

    Assuming there will be more columns like the Brentwood Cost/per sq ft" and the 300 Main Cost / sq ft," I added a helper row, 0 Cost Type.

    Using the Cost Type and Country information, we can get the average with the following formula;

    =AVG(COLLECT(Brentwood@row:[500 Park / sq ft]@row, Brentwood$1:[500 Park / sq ft]$1, "per sq ft", Brentwood$4:[500 Park / sq ft]$4, "CANADA"))

    We use the COLLECT function as we do not have the AVGIFS function. Please note that this is a cell formula as we reference ranges like "Brentwood$1:[500 Park / sq ft]$1."

    The darker shaded area is the one I added to your sample sheet. (Link to publised demo sheet)

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