Help please

I have a column that keeps returning errors….causing quite a bit of confusion and frustration.

The first threat formula is working as intended.

First milestone threat formula:

=IF(AND([Percent complete]@row <> 0.1, TODAY() > [Currentmilestone date]@row +14),"Red", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row < 0.1, TODAY() > ([Currentmilestone date]@row)), "Yellow","Green"))

The second milestone threat formula I am receiving the error to, I have the following:

=IF(AND([Percent complete]@row<>.2,TODAY()>[Second milestone date]@row+14),"RED", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row<.2,TODAY()>[Second milestone date]@row)),"YELLOW","GREEN"))

Best Answer

  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You got an extra close parenthesis before your "YELLOW" than you need, so you were closing out your IF statement before returning a true value:

    =IF(AND([Percent complete]@row <> 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row + 14), "RED", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row < 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row), "YELLOW", "GREEN"))

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner


  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    You got an extra close parenthesis before your "YELLOW" than you need, so you were closing out your IF statement before returning a true value:

    =IF(AND([Percent complete]@row <> 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row + 14), "RED", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row < 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row), "YELLOW", "GREEN"))

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • MD_Accel 23
    MD_Accel 23 ✭✭✭

    Thank you so much @Jason Tarpinian, frustrating that I missed that and caused myself more work and grief but very thankful you were able to point it out so quickly!

  • Jason Tarpinian
    Jason Tarpinian Community Champion
    edited 09/11/24

    Don't worry about it, I was able to find it quickly because I've been in your shoes WAAYY too many times! 😊

    A method I use to catch it, is if you click through the formula, the helper window will show you where you're supposed to be. So like below, my cursor is clicked on "YELLOW" so the "value_if_true" should highlight if I had the formula written correctly.

    Jason Tarpinian - Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • MD_Accel 23
    MD_Accel 23 ✭✭✭

    Oh my gosh! Thank you for the tip!!! That makes sense.

    Question….and this may be a generic Smartsheet question.

    My column is set to symbols exactly like the first column. But it's returning the color in text versus the colored symbol.

  • MD_Accel 23
    MD_Accel 23 ✭✭✭

    =IF([Percent complete]@row > 0.2, "Green", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row <> 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row + 14), "Red", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row < 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row), "Yellow", "Green")))

    I am receiving an #invalid operation….what did I misplace in my formula?

  • MD_Accel 23
    MD_Accel 23 ✭✭✭

    Never mind! I figured out my error. My second milestone column was not set to being a date column, it was open text. once I changed this, the formula worked as intended.

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @MD_Accel 23

    What color were you expecting, Green or Yellow? Whichever is the correct answer for you, add an equal sign to that term. For example, if it is Green then

    =IF([Percent complete]@row >= 0.2, "Green", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row <> 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row + 14), "Red", IF(AND([Percent complete]@row < 0.2, TODAY() > [Second milestone date]@row), "Yellow", "Green")))

    Does that work for you?


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