CountIF with multiple options?

I have a formula that needs to meet 3 criteria, but the 3rd criteria has 3 different options that it has to be ONE of. Referencing a source sheet, here are the criteria I need:

  1. Processing group = "Desking"
  2. Style Ready = "Yes"
  3. Status = ONE of these:
    1. "Reviewd - Non-clusterable"
    2. "One-to_one"
    3. "Clustering complete"

I can only figure out a formula for the first two conditions so far. Let me know If you can help me pull in the status condition!


  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers

    Hi @paigemcd

    I think you should just be able to add an OR condition in the last value, so your formula would look like:

    =COUNTIFS({BT Migration Master Sheet Range 2},"Desking",{BT Migration Master Sheet Range 1}, "yes", {STATUS RANGE},OR(@cell = "Reviewd - Non-clusterable", @cell = "One-to_one", @cell = "Clustering complete"))

    The bold text is the additional part of the formula and the only thing I didn't know what what the cross sheet reference status range would be called so link that like your other cross sheet references and you should be good.

    Any issues just @ me and I'll have a look.

  • paigemcd
    paigemcd ✭✭✭

    @Gillian C I think this worked!! After reviewing with my team I'll see if there's any issues with the data but thank you so much!

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