Will a formula update if I'm not opening the sheet every day?

I have a sheet where I am tracking contract Expirations and I have set up automation to send notification to remind the contract owners at 30/60/90/180 days from expiration. I have a formula column called "Days Until Expiration" where I'm using =[Expiry Date]@row - TODAY().

If I am not in this sheet daily, do I need to create a work around? I remember seeing some posts about that in the past. Hoping something was done to fix this.


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I am not sure if the issue with TODAY() has been resolved.

    The workaround I used and continue to use is to set all automations to run once a week/month and send when a date is within x days. This avoids the need for the TODAY function.

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