Assistance with UNPARSEABLE error

Looking for another set of eyes as I'm getting an UNPARESABLE error… I can't seem to find the issue …


Using an INDEX MATCH from a checkbox column to populate a Text/Number column


=IF(INDEX({_Checkbox}, MATCH([Site ID]#, {SiteID}, 0))=true, “Yes”, “No”)

Best Answer

  • Michelle St George
    Answer ✓


    Well… I ended up creating a test checkbox column to validate my index match (which worked fine) then copied the index match back into my original formula and it worked…

    Not sure why SS sometimes doesn't like formulas for no apparent reason….


  • Michelle St George
    Answer ✓


    Well… I ended up creating a test checkbox column to validate my index match (which worked fine) then copied the index match back into my original formula and it worked…

    Not sure why SS sometimes doesn't like formulas for no apparent reason….

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