Status column not updating correctly

I have a status column that needs to update based on the date in the [Date Revised] column with a date formula that uses helper columns [BLANK],[Due in a Week], [Due in a month], and [Due more Than Month].

The formula I have currently is not working when it hits the Due in a month and Current parts. Not sure where I went wrong. any suggestions to help me get them working?

=IF(ISBLANK([Date Revised]@row), "", IF([Date Revised]@row <= TODAY(), "Overdue", IF([Date Revised]@row >= [Due Week]@row, "Due in a Week", IF([Date Revised]@row >= [Due in a Month]@row, "Due in a Month", "", IF([Date Expired]@row = [BLANK]@row, "Current", "")))))


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP Community Champion

    Hi @ClanMcDe

    The way the formula reads now is if the date revised is blank, the value is going to be blank. If not, it will check if date revised is less than or equal to today. If the logic passes, the value is going to be Overdue. If the logic fails, it will check if the date revised is greater than or equal to due week. If that logic passes, the value displayed will be Due in a week. If the logic fails, it looks for the next logic, which is date revised is greater than or equal to due in a month. If that logic passes, the value displayed is Due in a month, if it fails, it will be blank. That's where the logic ends. If the fail condition should be look at date expired is equal to blank to mark it as current, then you should remove the blank quotes after Due in a month and replace it with the last logic.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Date Revised]@row), "", IF([Date Revised]@row <= TODAY(), "Overdue", IF([Date Revised]@row >= [Due Week]@row, "Due in a Week", IF([Date Revised]@row >= [Due in a Month]@row, "Due in a Month", IF([Date Expired]@row = [BLANK]@row, "Current", "")))))


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


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