Equation to fill in "On time" or "Late"


I am trying to create an equation that will generate on time or late depending what the quoted delivery time is and the real delivery time is. I have been able to get thus far but I want to include a parameter so if it is 5 minutes or less late then it will say on time.

For example if a quoted time is 9:00 and the real delivery time is 9:05 or earlier it will say on time, and if the real delivery time is 9:06 or later it will say late.

Here is the current equation I have which simply generates on time or late with no additional parameters:

=IF(TIME([Scheduled Delivery Time]@row) >= TIME([Actual Delivery Time]@row), "On Time", "Late")

Best Answer

  • AravindGP
    AravindGP Community Champion
    edited 09/19/24 Answer ✓

    Hi @mccaffhm

    You can use this formula

    =IF(OR(TIME([Scheduled Delivery Time]@row) >= TIME([Actual Delivery Time]@row), TIME([Scheduled Delivery Time]@row) + 5 >= TIME([Actual Delivery Time]@row)), "On Time", "Late")

    Or Simply

    =IF(TIME([Scheduled Delivery Time]@row) + 5 >= TIME([Actual Delivery Time]@row), "On Time", "Late")


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


    W: www.atturra.com


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP Community Champion
    edited 09/19/24 Answer ✓

    Hi @mccaffhm

    You can use this formula

    =IF(OR(TIME([Scheduled Delivery Time]@row) >= TIME([Actual Delivery Time]@row), TIME([Scheduled Delivery Time]@row) + 5 >= TIME([Actual Delivery Time]@row)), "On Time", "Late")

    Or Simply

    =IF(TIME([Scheduled Delivery Time]@row) + 5 >= TIME([Actual Delivery Time]@row), "On Time", "Late")


    Aravind GP| Delivery Manager

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445


    W: www.atturra.com

  • That worked, thanks for the help!

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