Function help

Hello, I'm trying to add a function so when I put the date of birth it calculates the age. Why isn't this working


  • Nic Larsen
    Nic Larsen ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Try this one. I found it in a post a long while back and use it when I need a DOB calc.

    =IF(MONTH(TODAY()) > MONTH(DOB@row), YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR(DOB@row), IF(MONTH(TODAY()) < MONTH(DOB@row), YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR(DOB@row) - 1, IF(DAY(TODAY()) >= DAY(DOB@row), YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR(DOB@row), IF(DAY(TODAY()) < DAY(DOB@row), YEAR(TODAY()) - YEAR(DOB@row) - 1))))

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