What is a formula that can extract just the time in HH:MM (24hr time) from a "modified date" column.

I need just the time from a modified date column I titled "Ticket closed (24h Format)" and I'm having trouble extracting it into the column titled "Ticket closed time." Here's a screenshot. I've tried using the following formulas as well:

=LEFT([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row - DATEONLY([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row), 5)

=HOUR([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row) + ":" + IF(LEN(MINUTE([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row)) = 1, "0" + MINUTE([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row), MINUTE([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row))

=HOUR([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row) + ":" + IF(LEN(MINUTE([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row)) = 1, "0" + "" + MINUTE([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row), MINUTE([Ticket closed (24h Format)]@row))


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