Set status to green if progress is full

edited 10/07/24 in Formulas and Functions

Hello everyone
In my Smartsheet I'm using a Status column (with bullets green, yellow, red) and a Progress column (with Harvey balls).
I'm looking for a way to automatically change the Status bullet from red or yellow to green, if Progress Harvey ball is (manually) set to "full".
I tried conditional formatting, but this did not work.


  • I also tried the following formula, which didn't work either:
    =IF([Progress]@row = "Full", "Green", [Status]@row)

  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @felixo,

    What determines if the status should be Red or Yellow?

    If you have conditions for the other colours, you can do a nested IF formula, for which the green part would be:

    =IF(Progress@row = "Full", "Green")

    For example, if you had yellow indicating 3/4s & 1/2 on the Harvey ball being yellow and anything else being red:

    =IF(Progress@row = "Full", "Green", IF(OR(Progress@row = "Half", Progress@row = "Three quarter"), "Yellow", "Red"))

    Hope this helps, but if you've any problems/questions then just let us know!

  • Hi Nick

    Thanks a lot for your response.

    To your question: The status colour is set manually by myself, if the progress of the deliverable is not full and the end date of is in the next few days (=yellow) or is in the past (=red).

    I've tried the formula "=IF(Progress@row = "Full", "Green")", but the result is "unparseable".

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