Looking for help with counting blank cells on uncompleted tasks

I am trying to create a formula to count number of lines that contain " Emergency" and the completed by column in blank

I have tried the below formula but have received #UNPARESABLE

=COUNTIFS(Priority12:Priority2232, "EMERGENCY 2 HOURS"), [Completed by]12:[Completed by]2232, " "))



  • Nick Korna
    Nick Korna Community Champion

    Hi @laurareid,

    Your formula has a space in the 2nd criteria, so use one of the following if you want to capture all Priority cells containing "Emergency":

    =COUNTIFS(Priority12:Priority2232, CONTAINS("EMERGENCY",@cell), [Completed by]12:[Completed by]2232, "")

    =COUNTIFS(Priority12:Priority2232, CONTAINS("EMERGENCY",@cell), [Completed by]12:[Completed by]2232, ISBLANK(@cell))

    If you want only the "EMERGENCY 2 HOURS", then just put this in place of the CONTAINS("EMERGENCY,@cell) part of the formula.

    Hope this helps, but let us know if you have any problems/questions!

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