Need help with a Stacked If/Then Formular

I'm trying to determine if an applicant has qualifying income for the # in the Household. I have an income matrix by max and min qualifying income; by # of people in household. I'd like to create a formula that looks at the 'total # of people in Household' column and depending on the result, apply the correct max and min allowable income to determine a 'yes' or 'no' result.

Here is an example:


An application comes in and has a HH of 3, I'd like the formular to reference the # in HH cell in the applicant sheet and use the max and min values in the matrix sheet for that number to determine a "Yes" or 'No" result.

Does this make sense? Thoughts?


  • AravindGP
    AravindGP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @DianeNelligan24_

    I can help with a formula if I know how you're structuring your destination sheet, which will contain the household number and the income. Best way would be to pull the relevant min and max income through an index/match formula. Once you have that in the destination, you can use a formula referencing these values against the income stated in the destination to arrive at a Yes or No result.


    Aravind GP| Principal Consultant

    Atturra Data & Integration

    M: +61493337445



    Here is a link to the columns and headers. I'm unclear what you mean about index/match formular, and do I have to have the min's and max's in the sheet? Or can I reference them in another sheet. Currently the matrix is in another sheet. Please advise… dbn

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