Rename Levels

I'm reviewing this discussion but have a question related;

What I am trying to achieve is to create Alias's for the following;
When level is 1 call it "Header"

Where level is lowest level number child call it "Task"

Ignore everything else, for example; first child is still a header but its not an important header of the groups I am looking for. I'm only wanting an alias for the group name/ header, and lowest level children which are tasks. I have a helper column, but stuck because the lowest children/ tasks level number changes if sub-headers are present.

Thank you!


  • AKnight
    AKnight ✭✭✭
    edited 11/13/24

    Hi AnneSh!

    You will likely have to include a helper column for children rows which is: =COUNT(CHILDREN()). At this point you can use a formula as such:

    =IF(Level@row = 1, "Header", IF(Children@row = 0, "Task"))

    Hope this helps!

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