If date field is blank formula

Currently, I have this column formula and it works well.

=IF([Grant Status]@row = "Inactive", "", IF([End Date]@row = "", IF(TODAY() <= [Start Date]@row + 90, 3, IF(TODAY() > [Start Date]@row + 90, 4)), IF(TODAY() >= [End Date]@row - 90, 5, IF(TODAY() <= [Start Date]@row + 90, 3, IF(TODAY() > [Start Date]@row + 90, 4)))))

I need to add that if the Start Date and End Dates are blank then enter 2.5 into the column. What I am adding is not working. Can someone help with this?

Best Answer

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Give this a try:

    =IF([Grant Status]@row = "Inactive", "", IF([End Date]@row = "", IF([Start Date]@row = "", 2.5, IF(TODAY() <= [Start Date]@row + 90, 3, IF(TODAY() > [Start Date]@row + 90, 4))), IF(TODAY() >= [End Date]@row - 90, 5, IF(TODAY() <= [Start Date]@row + 90, 3, IF(TODAY() > [Start Date]@row + 90, 4)))))


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