Employee HR Metrics Dashboard Help


I am creating a dashboard that I want to be updated indefinitely using the data I add each month. I have one source sheet that I pull information from our HR system on a monthly basis to provide me with new terminations and such.
I then have a source sheet that I used the "count if" feature to help get the number of values for each of the areas I am looking to create a chart on for my main dashboard.

This works great for one set of data, but I am wondering how to have it set up so count if and the chart update indefinitely, whenever I add new data to the original source sheet.


  • Michelle Choate 2
    Michelle Choate 2 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Lauren, can you please provide an example/screen shot? If your formulas are written correctly, the dashboard should update properly. If you want to walk thru it with someone, please email me and I would be happy to confirm your calculations.

    Michelle Choate


    Always happy to walk through any project you need help with!

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