Automatically Copying Cell Data in a Row

How do I automatically copy "Bill to" Name, Address, City, State, & Zip information to corresponding "Jobsite" cells, when the information is the same, by simply checking a "Same As billing" Checkbox on a Form?

I tried this by using a formula on the sheet, and it worked well on the sheet but, when new "Forms" were submitted, the formula disappeared. In addition, it locked out the ability to make any modifications to the "Jobsite" cells in the Dynamic View Pop out Box.

The formula I used for copying the "Bill to" address to the "Jobsite" address is shown below. I created a similar formula for City, State, & Zip.

=IF([Same As Billing?]@row = 1, [Customer Address (Billing)]@row, "")

I'm looking for a fail safe solution (either by a Workflow or formula that won't disappear) and appreciate any help. Thank you.

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