Formula issue

Hi Braine Trust

I need some help with a formula

I have Mobilization Date and need to create reports that will show me a list of people who have mobilized -

Any one Mobing Week Prior to the Mob Date

Any one Mobing The Week of the Mob Date

A 2 week Forecast ( so two weeks prior to the Mob Date

A 3 week forecast (so three weeks prior to Mob Date)

Ideally thee would create a dropdown by I dont think that is doable

I just need some sort of filtering to enable me to build 4 report pulling the info - and we cant use today's date as it all needs to be measured of the Mobs date which will be fairly static


  • Hi Susan,

    I'm Thanh from wedocom, strategic partner of smartsheet. You can try to create four columns in your sheet :

    To address this issue in Smartsheet, here’s a solution that can be implemented using additional columns and formulas to handle the filtering criteria. Follow these detailed steps:

    1- Add the following columns to your Smartsheet to calculate the criteria:

    • Week Before Mob Date: To identify people mobilized a week before the mobilization date.
    • Week of Mob Date: To identify people mobilized during the week of mobilization.
    • 2 Week Forecast: To identify people mobilized up to 2 weeks before the date.
    • 3 Week Forecast: To identify people mobilized up to 3 weeks before the date.
    • 2 - Use the following formulas to populate these columns.
    • 1. One Week Before Mobilization Date
    • Column: Week Before Mob Date
    • =IF(AND([Mobilization Date]@row - [Your Date Column]@row >= 1, [Mobilization Date]@row - [Your Date Column]@row <= 7), "Yes", "No")
    • etc…. for the others columns
    • Create a report for each criterion: Use the Report tool in Smartsheet to display only the rows where the corresponding column contains "Yes." For example:For "One week before mobilization," filter rows where Week Before Mob Date = "Yes."Repeat this for the other criteria.
    • I can help you if you want by google meet :
  • hi Thanh

    A question in your formula u used mob date and “your date column” - what is the your date column? Do i need to create this?

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Want to practice working with formulas directly in Smartsheet?

Check out the Formula Handbook template!