Can someone please help me with a COUNTIFS formula?

I can't seem to get this formula to calculate any results other than 0

COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = "410101", @cell = "41201", @cell = "410202", @cell = "410203".

This is only a part of a larger formula.

Best Answer

  • kira11
    kira11 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Got it, try this:

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Excep}, 0, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203), {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR(CONTAINS("SP", @cell), CONTAINS("SPQREA", @cell), CONTAINS("LP", @cell))


  • kira11
    kira11 ✭✭✭✭

    If your data type is just text/number for the FU cells, maybe try taking the quotes out around the numbers and make sure you have the correct closing parentheses.

  • Ok thanks, removing the "" worked! However when I try combining it with other criteria now its not working.

    Says, #UNPARSEABLE now- assuming I have a missing ? or something?

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Excep}, 0, 11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203 ))

  • kira11
    kira11 ✭✭✭✭

    It looks like it maybe be a duplicate and you don't need, but it looks like a missing curly bracket after the "0,".

  • Now I've added one more criteria and get UNPARSEABLE

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR (@cell = SP, @cell = SPQREA, @cell = LP )))

  • Ok this formula works

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Excep}, 0, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203 ))

    But now I need to add this piece to it

    {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR(CONTAINS("SP", @cell), ("SPQREA", @cell), ("LP", @cell))))

  • kira11
    kira11 ✭✭✭✭

    For the text OR statement you do need the quotation marks and the closing parentheses is missing. Try this:

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203), {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR (@cell = "SP", @cell = "SPQREA", @cell = "LP"))

  • So the last piece just need to contain not=

    Something like the below:

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Excep}, 0, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203)), {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR(CONTAINS("SP", @cell), ("SPQREA", @cell), ("LP", @cell)))

  • kira11
    kira11 ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Got it, try this:

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Excep}, 0, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203), {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR(CONTAINS("SP", @cell), CONTAINS("SPQREA", @cell), CONTAINS("LP", @cell))

  • Funny, I just tried this at the same time you posted this and it works :)

    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Excep}, 0, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203 ), {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR(CONTAINS("SP", @cell), CONTAINS("SPQREA", @cell), CONTAINS("LP", @cell)))

  • Thank you so much for your help, really appreciate it!!!!

  • kira11
    kira11 ✭✭✭✭

    No problem! Glad it worked!

  • OK another one for you, if you can still help me.


    =COUNTIFS({11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe ES}, [Expense Specialist]@row, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Excep}, 0, {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe FU}, OR(@cell = 410201, @cell = 410101, @cell = 410202, @cell = 410203 ), {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Titl}, OR(CONTAINS("Managing", @cell), CONTAINS("Ops", @cell), {11.08.2024- Labor Allocations for Smartshe Categ}, OR(@cell <> AD, @cell <> AP )))

  • Seems to work up until the last piece where the Category can't = AD or AP

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