IF formula with multiple options

Good morning-

Wondering if someone might be able to help me with this. I have a dropdown list column that has three options. If option A is selected, I want to automatically populate another column in the sheet with a specific message, but if option B is selected, I want to populate that same column but with a different message. (And if option C is selected, I do not want anything to happen.) Is this possible? I am able to do this for option A alone using IF, but not sure how to add a different formula for option B. (Hope this makes sense?) Any thoughts would be appreciated!

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • Jennifer Kurtz
    Jennifer Kurtz ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @brewhaha - Hi John!

    You can nest a string of IFs together. :) For example:

    IF([Your Column]@row="Option A", "Your Option A message", IF([Your Column]@row="Option B", "Your Option B message", ""))

    If Option A is selected, the option A message will be shown. If not, the formula moves to the next condition - i.e., the next If statement. If Option B is selected, the option B message is shown. If that's false, the cell will be blank. (Note that you don't actually need to tell Smartsheet to leave the cell blank - "" - if both statements are false. You could just leave that out! But I included it in to be complete.)

    Does that help?


  • Jennifer Kurtz
    Jennifer Kurtz ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @brewhaha - Hi John!

    You can nest a string of IFs together. :) For example:

    IF([Your Column]@row="Option A", "Your Option A message", IF([Your Column]@row="Option B", "Your Option B message", ""))

    If Option A is selected, the option A message will be shown. If not, the formula moves to the next condition - i.e., the next If statement. If Option B is selected, the option B message is shown. If that's false, the cell will be blank. (Note that you don't actually need to tell Smartsheet to leave the cell blank - "" - if both statements are false. You could just leave that out! But I included it in to be complete.)

    Does that help?

  • Thank you… much appreciated! This worked.

  • Jennifer Kurtz
    Jennifer Kurtz ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Awesome - happy to help! :)

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