NETWORKDAY Not Working With Columns With Formula

Hello :)

I'm calculating the difference between Bethany's Start Date and Bethany's Updated Start Date.

The "Bethany's Updated Start Date" column has a formula.

When I use NETWORKDAY, it returns an invalid value and I think this is because the "Bethany's Updated Start Date" has a formula in it. I tried wrapping the formula in an iferror, but that only returned a blank cell.

Any ideas? Thank you!!

Best Answer

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    The issue is that your formula is outputting a text string that only looks like a date value. Try making an adjustment to that one by nesting them instead of adding them.

    Basically you would take the second INDEX/COLLECT and drop it into the output of the first IFERROR. Then drop the second INDEX/COLLECT into the output of the second IFERROR, so on and so forth.

    =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT(………………….), 1), IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT(…………………….), 1), IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT(………………….), 1), ………………………………


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