Formulas and Functions

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Formula needed


The numbers are my location in the warehouse

Need to have a formule to know how many places i still have in my warehouse.

In this example 1 have 2X 0 so means 2 place still free


Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @TVP ALAN,

    Would a COUNTIF formula give you what you are looking for? If available locations will always be assigned "0" then the following could help.

    =COUNTIF([Location Avaliable?]:[Location Avaliable?], 0)

    You could put that formula in the sheet itself or in the sheet summary and it will count number of rows with 0.

    I hope that is helpful to you in some way



  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @TVP ALAN,

    Would a COUNTIF formula give you what you are looking for? If available locations will always be assigned "0" then the following could help.

    =COUNTIF([Location Avaliable?]:[Location Avaliable?], 0)

    You could put that formula in the sheet itself or in the sheet summary and it will count number of rows with 0.

    I hope that is helpful to you in some way


  • ✭✭✭


    its working ; what do i love smartsheet !!!!

  • ✭✭✭

    1 more question if i have 1 basic sheet with all the loactions in can i make a formule which can check more than one sheet ?

  • ✭✭✭

    so sheet Warehouse free locations is the one where we need to get all info in from other sheets

    Below folders of twee customers , in those folders i have for each customer a stocklist . the loactions used by the customer must be filled into warehouse free loaction sheet…

    Why do i make per customer new folder sheet , as they ask a differnt workflow and its not possible for the moment

  • Community Champion
    edited 12/12/24

    Hello @TVP ALAN,

    One option that might work for you would be to have a column for each sheet you want to check against the location. In each column, you could then make a cross sheet reference to each sheet you would like to check.

    You could use them make use of metrics or reports to surface the information you are looking for ; e.g. total number of available locations, or even group them in ways that might help your work.

    Here is a link to cross sheet references help article in case its helpful to you - Cross Sheet References

    Edit - Only seeing your other post now… you should be able to make a formula to bring the information you looking for in from your "Warehouse free location sheet". If you wany show a screen shot of how this sheet is set up I am sure the community could help to make the formula for you.


  • ✭✭✭

    Hi Thanks

    Here a start , hope somone can help

    List with all the warehouse space …

    Customer 1 = other sheet and other folder

    Customer 2 = other sheet and other folder

    ( of cours when out the line moves to general OUT sheet to keep track )

    Customer three is not started yet

    Can this help ?



  • ✭✭✭

    Or i can do like this

    I creat for each customer a list with all locations in the same Sheet

    in Column 11 TOTAL = here i need formule which checks each line and cells ..

    So Example line 28 Zone Z1-01-07D, no goods for PB, 3 pices for ICONEX / no goods for Mdm Coco

    So in column 11 we need to have 3..

    SO if in one of the columns is more then 0 you put that number , if all is 0 is 0…

    possible ?

  • Community Champion

    Hello @TVP ALAN,

    If in your customer sheet the location column has a location number in it, does that mean it is taken? If so, one option you could look at is using a cross sheet COUNTIF formula to see if a given location is taken in your customer sheet.

    Note the following Cross Sheet Formula:

    =COUNTIF({Customer A_Location}, [Primary Column]@row)

    Example Customer Sheet:-

    Warehouse Free Location Sheet:-

    If the location in the [Primary Column] of your "Warehouse Free Location Sheet" is listed in the Customer sheet [Location] column, it will count how many times it is present.

    Once made for your 3 customers you could have a summary column to see if the location is avalible…

    Example below

    =IF([Customer A]@row + [Customer B]@row + [Customer C]@row = 0, "Available", "Taken")

    Is that going in the direction of what you are looking for? I hope some of the above is helpful to you.


  • ✭✭✭

    =IF([Customer A]@row + [Customer B]@row + [Customer C]@row = 0, "Available", "Taken")


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