Pull month name from date - alternatives to long nested if formula


  • zemlaka22
    edited 12/18/24

    Are there alternatives to using long nested IF statements in Smartsheet formulas to determine the month from a date?

  • Carson Penticuff
    Carson Penticuff Community Champion


    That kind of depends on what you are trying to do. If you are just trying to get the month out of a cell:

    MONTH([Your Cell]@row)

    Adding a specific number of days is pretty easy also:

    [Your Cell]@row + 30

    The complexity comes into adding a specific number of months or years to a date. There is not an automatic way to take the number of days in each month, leap years, rollover to the next year, etc., into account.

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion

    Hey @zemlaka22

    Building on @Carson Penticuff 's 'depends' statement - if you are asking about converting the month number to the month name one could build a Month reference table (a lookup table) in another sheet and always use it when needing Month names in the future.

    For building the lookup sheet, I would have three columns - The Month number, the full month name and the 3 letter name. If you were getting more specific, you could even add a Quarter column. An Index/Match would easily pull the Name or other fields into a destination sheet without the 12-deep nested IF formula. Currently, lookups or nested IFs are the only way to convert the month number to month name.


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