How to have a dates column automatically update to the next year

I track documentation with one of my sheets and we have Annual Dates. This is always the same day and month but obviously the year changes. I cannot figure out how to make this column automatically update to the next year's due date. The formulas I've tried keep giving me a circular error message.

Thanks for any help!


  • Matt Lynn#
    Matt Lynn# Community Champion

    @EgdAdvocates There's a few ways of doing this that would be based on the various other parts of your system and how you're doing it/using it… but one way would be to :

    1.) Either enter the date for this year… OR enter the month and the day in two different cells.
    2.) Then use a new date column/cell with the following type of formula :

    =DATE(YEAR([Date1]@row) + 1, MONTH([Date1]@row), DAY([Date1]@row))

    IF you use a separate date and month cell the formula would be something like:

    =DATE(YEAR(TODAY()) + 1, Month@row, Day@row)

    LASTLY: You can use the today() function as I show in the second picture which would always use todays date as the basis and add 1 year to that. So on Jan 1st it would increase the year to 2026.

    Matt Lynn