Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Countifs formula not returning a value.

Challenge: Countifs formula is not returning a value from a cross sheet. Any help would be so greatly appreciated.

Summary: I am trying to pull in counts for a specific month and status for an application. The formula doesn't state any errors but it doesn't return the values.

Formula: =COUNTIFS($Name18, {Status}, [JAN 25]17, {Mapped Month and Year})

Sheet 1 - Metrics Sheet with Status and dates across the top - column is text/Number.

Sheet 2 - App Schedule column is in a date format, if I change it to Text then the breakout formula doesnt work. The intent of breaking out the numbers is to get to a month and year for an App Exit. Exp if an App has any date in January it would roll up to Jan 1 2025.


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