Help with Unparseable Formula: Understanding NETWORKDAYS and Column Reference in Smartsheet

This discussion was created from comments split from: Planned % Complete.


  • Hi, I am trying this formula but it returns unparseable: =


    NETWORKDAYS([Start Date]@row, [Column18]131) / NETWORKDAYS([Start Date]@row, [End Date]@row)

    , 1), 0)

    I substituted [Column18] with the [ColumnName] containing current date.

    Also, what does the 131 refer to?

    Any reason its's not parsing?

  • che.rabajante
    che.rabajante ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello @AiqaA

    The 131 refers to Row 131 in your sheet. Smartsheet automatically adds this when you copy/paste a formula from a specific row or reference another cell directly. This creates confusion when working with formulas intended for row-level calculations (like @row).

    You can replace [Column18]131 with [ColumnName]@row if you want it to dynamically reference the current row.

    If [Column18] is replaced with a valid column name (e.g., [Current Date]), the column name must exactly match the header in your sheet.
    Ensure that there are no extra spaces in the column name.
    The brackets [ ] are correctly placed.

    Hope this helps.🙂


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